The Truth: About High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

This is a modern-day dis-ease. A silent Killer.

It is important to understand how this works: The blood which circulates through the arteries within the body supplies every cell with nourishment and oxygen. The force exerted by the heart pumps the blood into the large arteries and creates a pressure within them and this is called blood pressure.

A certain level of blood pressure is thus essential to keep the blood circulating in the body. But when the pressure becomes too high, it results in hypertension which is caused by a spasm or narrowing of the small blood vessels, known as capillaries, throughout the body. This narrowing puts more stress on the heart to pump blood through the blood vessels. Hence, the pressure of the blood to get through rises in proportion to the pressure on the heart.

The fast pace of life and the mental and physical pressures caused by the industrial and metropolitan environments give rise to psychological tensions. Worry and mental tension increases the adrenaline in the blood stream and this, in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise.

Another important cause of hypertension is a faulty lifestyle which includes excessive smoking, excessive intake of intoxicants like tea, coffee, alcohol, colas and refined foods which prevent the expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body and clog the arteries and the veins.

Repeated infections and inflammation in the kidneys can also give rise to hypertension. The kidneys play an important role in controlling blood pressure through secretion of Rennin, a natural chemical. If increased Rennin is secreted by the kidneys, more salts are retained in the body, which leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and consequently to an increase in the blood pressure.

Obesity, diabetes and severe constipation can also lead to hypertension.

Last but not the least, other causes of high blood pressure are, excessive intake of pain killers, common table salt, food allergies and eating a high fat, low fiber diet with processed foods that are deficient in essential nutrients.

I know it is the easy way out to pop a pill each morning, but unfortunately the modern medical treatment of high blood pressure is highly unscientific as it brings down the pressure by pharmaceutical drugs without making any effort to remove the underlying cause. These may temporarily reduce blood pressure, but they do not cure the condition and are harmful in the ultimate analysis. All drugs against hypertension without exception are toxic and have distressing side effects in the long run.

I know it’s easier said than done. Correct your lifestyle and find ways to de-stress. Try and follow a well-balanced routine of proper nutrition, yoga and rest.

Getting to the root of any issue is the only way to truly and correctly solve it. If you insist on popping that pill and take no responsibility of your own health, you are asking for a life that involves more pathology than happiness.

Your body is your soul’s vehicle in the 3rd dimension, the quality of your vehicle will determine the quality of your journey. The more well maintained it is the smoother the ride!!

Written by Sejal Vora

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The Truth: About High Blood Pressure & Salt

This is a big one! Only because, what western medicine claims in reducing  HBP,  actually worsens it. of the very few half  known facts that are taught in med school, salt happens to be one of them. As usual they got it half right. IODIZED salt is bad for you and must be cut out. HOwever the other half which is of utmost importance is that to cure high blood pressure you need Salt, but natural salt (Rock Salt).

The result of consuming common table salt is the formation of overly acidic edema, or excess fluid in the body tissue. If the sodium chloride is still too high, re-crystallization of the table salt occurs as the body uses available non-degradable animal proteins (as those found in milk), which also have no value and cannot be broken down and eliminated. The body uses these proteins to produce uric acid in order to get rid of the excess salt. As the body cannot dispose of uric acid, it binds itself with the sodium chloride to form new crystals that are deposited in the bones and joints. This is the one of the main causes for arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones. Popular diets say you should reduce or even eliminate dietary salt for good health, especially for high blood pressure. Perhaps refined table salt, which acts like a poison in your body. But the research is undeniable: reducing or eliminating salt is basically wrong. Your body absolutely requires salt, but it has to be the right kind.

Table salt is made up of chemicals that pollute your body and create havoc with your health. Table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health problems in your body. High intake of table salt causes the body to retain water, which raises the blood volume. This problem is further aggravated by our natural tendency to drink more water after consuming a salty meal. This leads to hypertension, causing additional strain on the heart and the walls of the arteries.

Healthy natural salts contain no toxins and over 84 minerals and elements necessary for your optimal health specially for high blood pressure. However it is important to know that no more than 5 gms is recommended per day.
HBP requires a lot more nutrition than just rock salt, however, try and use this information to make a shift, not just for yourself but for the entire family.

Written by Sejal Vora

To read similar articles click here. For more information on how Naturotherapy can help you click here.
